A new field of medicine has been quietly and quickly evolving - have you heard the term Root Cause Medicine? The resurgence of Naturopathic medicine, functional medicine - also called precision medicine and root cause medicine, marks a shift in the goal of practitioners - rather than simply treating symptoms, they aim to reveal the true cause of dis-ease in the body. In her most recent article titled "Sleep Apnea - The underlying cause of your chronic disease," Colorado-based physiologist Jane Litsey confirms:
"One of the most overlooked and under appreciated causes of disease is sleep apnea."

[image: JaneLitsey.com]
In the full post Litsey answers many questions about sleep apnea including:
How does sleep apnea lead to high blood pressure?
What are the signs of sleep apnea?
How do you diagnose sleep apnea?
Respiva continuously monitors dozens of important sleep factors in the comfort of your own home. Then your healthcare provider can access your data and give you valuable tips and personalized recommendations to optimize your sleep! Understanding the links between sleep disorders like sleep apnea and many common chronic illnesses confirms that the need for better sleep is no longer a luxury.
You CAN sleep better, now Respiva makes it easy.